A great privilege to have known Ashley, such a highly accomplished but modest man.What an amazing guy!
In memory of a wonderful friend to both of us for the past 40 years. One of the most charming, intelligent, warm-hearted and kind men we have ever met. Rest in peace...
Loved our deep conversations during our regular Mary’s get together lunches over the last 15 years. You and Judith made me feel so welcome. Thank you so much, Ashley
I visited Ashley here and was very impressed at quality of the hospice and the lovely atmosphere, which I am sure helped Ashley a lot during his last days with us. I miss our chats......
Our best friend
What a wonderful man, sending lots of love to Ashley’s family xxx
With fond memories of a kind man whom it was a privilege to know.
For Ashley to the wonderful Thames Hospice who made his last days so comfortable.
In memory of a good friend and valued colleague
Missing you, Ashley
With fond memories of Ashley as a wonderful colleague and a kind and generous friend.
Thank you to Thames Hospice for their work.
Thank you Thames Hospice for your care for Ashley and for the work of all Hospices like yours.
So many happy memories of a dear friend over 40 years
Farewell dear Ashley RIP. so many fond memories of times spent together. The theatre trips! His enthusiasm persuaded us to see so many plays we wouldn't have gone to. And because his hearing was fading he read every play first. A great companion Chris and Mary Allen
Ashley will be sadly missed by all our family. Sadly, no more New Years Eve parties
A dear friend who will be sadly missed by all.
Many Happy Memories. We will miss you very much
Adieu dear friend
With much love to you all. I know how much Ashley will be missed.
Ashley was a wonderful colleague and very entertaining friend.
A very special person, esteemed colleague,great fun to be with,good friend for over 50 years.Many happy memories.We will miss you,Ashley.
In thanks for your care of a lovely friend and colleague.
So many memories of an easy and convivial friendship over the years - we'll miss you, Ashley, but are only glad that we have the good times to remember.